i want to change the cpu speed in MHZ to Flop per sec.How can i estiamte computer speed?Unfortunatly I coudn't find a mathmatical referance to convert CPU frequency to FLOPS, as FLOPS is an actual performance test of hardware.
In computing, FLOPS (or flops) is an acronym meaning FLoating point Operations Per Second. This is used as a measure of a computer's performance, especially in fields of scientific calculations that make heavy use of floating point calculations; similar to instructions per second. One should speak in the singular of a FLOPS and not of a FLOP, although the latter is frequently encountered. The final S stands for second and does not indicate a plural. Alternatively, the singular FLOP (or flop) is used as an abbreviation for %26quot;FLoating-point OPeration%26quot;, and a flop count is a count of these operations (e.g., required by a given algorithm or computer program). In this context, %26quot;flops%26quot; is simply the plural rather than a rate.