my computer can only boot after I've cleared the CMOS and comes up with 'checksum error - loading defaults' at the bottom of the post screen.
just one short beep before the normal beep occured
I change the CPU settings to a lower or higher multiplier to fails to boot, I leave it be and don't bother going into the bios and the next time I boot it fails, note this is post boot and not OS boot I'm refering to, windows 98 SE works fine where XP refuses to boot inorder to protect me.
the system has reused parts in it aswell as new parts, here's a list:
reused parts.
Abit AN8 32X motherboard
AMD X2 4400
2 Harddrives
New parts.
600W PSU
any ideas on how to make my computer working again without having to clear the CMOS every time.Failure to boot?i have come across this message a few times and i normally go back into bios and just use the option%26quot;set everything to defualt settings%26quot;..then i save and exit set up
this allways resolves this problem,sometimes you also get a message asking you to reconfigure cmos soft menu,again you set bios settings to defualt to resolve this aswell
worse case said by another answer,your cmos battery may need replacing,these can be bought at electrical shops,but better get them from specialist p.c shops or pc world
the components will have no influence on the problem,they look fine to me,however overcl;ocking is a delicate procedure and your best leaving your c.p.u to its defualt clock speed,or why not upgrade
intel core 2 duo chips,although very expensive are the only processors i would overclock with,reason being its low voltage and cool running tempeture
good luck mateFailure to boot?change the CMOS Battery.....if that doesnt work...your CMOS hardware is correpted...need to replace the cmos chip..Failure to boot?well this happened to me a mounth ago and i found out it was a virus so here's what you do if u have windows xp or any window you fromat the hard drive and then reinstall windows on itFailure to boot?not the cmos battery at it would ask to check the time every time you turn it on. yip as someone said re format and clean install.Failure to boot?Enter your machines BIOS settings, and there 'should' be an option at the bottom of the screen which says something like- Load Failsafe Defaults (f6). Select this option, then re-boot and all being well you should have your machine back to normal.