Thursday, September 22, 2011

How to fix my computer???

my computer has been acting up randomly shutting down and saying the CPU was changed or something like that and says to check the cables. it wont startup now. the light comes on on the tower but it doesnt even make the startup sound now. its like its dead. any help or ideas are very much appreciated. i have a lot of important things on my computer. this happened so randomly.How to fix my computer???I had the EXACT same problem.

It's the power supply. Trust me. This is caused by inconsistent power flow to the CPU, which causes the system to think the CPU is operating at a different frequency (megahertz or gigahertz) than it should be. Most CPUs can be Over or Underclocked by TELLING your motherboard to run current through the CPU at a higher or lower frequency.

Get a replacement power supply.

That should fix the problem.

I have fixed probably 500+ computers. I've only seen this problem twice. The first time I fixed it BEFORE the system reached the point of not working at all, the second time it was with my own computer and I knew the problem, I just didn't have the money to replace the power supply till after it had fried out entirely.How to fix my computer???Open the case or have it opened and reseat all the cables and connectors and the expansion cards...

from what you have there its looks like either the CPU fell off or the battery on the MB is dead...How to fix my computer???You need to take it to some computer place to have it repaired. There is something actually wrong with it, and unless you have means to test things out, you won't know what the problem is. most likly some wire is just gone out (or shorted out). But I doubt you have the means or the knowhow to do it. Take it some place.

or get a new one.