during the movie there goal is to stop judgement day but if they stoped judgement day wouldnt john conner not exist becasue withought judgment day reese woulnt have been sent back threw time witch is how john is come to be
how did the liquid metal terminator get threw the time machine reese clearly stated in the first one nothing nonliving can go through but the terminators now have living tissue unlike the t-500 who had rubber skin-
(this is a deleted sceene but you might of heard of it)
in the garage scene sarah and john operate on the terminator removing his cpu changing it from read to write but the resistance captured it and reprogramed it wouldnt they have switched it to write because i dont think a terminator would send a terminator to save the person who kills them allTerminator 2?How is this a Laws and Ethics question? And do you really go to the movies to nit pick little insignifigant details?Terminator 2?get a life loser it's fiction!Terminator 2?Is this for a class? I took a politics in film class as an undergrad, and that is the only time I have seen people analyze a movie so literally.