I have an old computer and a new computer. The new computer's mother board broke. And I bought a new computer now. That computer works fine. I took apart my slightly new computer that broke. So I have many parts some of which I put inside my old computer. But I was wandering if I could put my broken computer's CPU processor and put it into my old computer instead, since my old computer has a worse CPU.How to change you CPU?The old motherboard might not work with the New CPU. Read the specs on both boards to see if the new board and old board use the same CPU. That's doubtful.
Some of the PCI boards and disk drives will work in the old, but the CPU and RAM must be a match. Not just pin-out of the socket, but speed, FSB and other parameters. SORRY.
Good luck and Happy Computing!How to change you CPU?You have to know the voltage rating of the two and you have to know if the other motherboard will support the cpu.How to change you CPU?Not likely. Aside from the fact that there have been various CPU footprints over the years, the chipset determines CPU compatibility. The motherboard's chipset is the main essential element that determines specifications, including the CPU that it can support.How to change you CPU?The MB has to support the processor and be the same socket type. Look up the old and new MB and see what the sockets are on them.How to change you CPU?Go to the website for the motherboard of the old computer and see what cpus it supports and see if the one you want to put in it is supported and if it does, if you have the bios version needed to run it. It probably wont work.How to change you CPU?It depends on the compatibility. Your motherboard will only accept certain CPUs. If it will take your other CPU, go for it.
FYI, even if the CPU physically 'fits', it is totally possible to still be incompatible.How to change you CPU?you can always try